Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

It is the Policy of Tema Group to establish and maintain an effective and efficient Quality Management System based on the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

It is the Policy of Tema Engineering Limited to establish and maintain an effective and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) based on the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

Tema Group is also has Enviromental Management and Occupational Health and safety Management systems that have been  independently assessed and are in compliance with BS EN ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2015 respectively. The Company’s aims are to provide products and services which fulfill customer requirements, are fit for the purpose for which they are intended, are delivered on time and are both safe and reliable.

The Directors and staff of Tema Engineering Limited are aware of and fully committed to the Company’s Quality Objectives which include:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • On-time delivery
  • Zero complaints.

We are committed to a policy of continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and compliance with all legal and statutory requirements. As such, the Quality Procedures outlined our QMS are mandatory. Our philosophy is focused on a system of prevention rather than detection, which is described in our QMS and supporting procedures.

These procedures have been designed to ensure that all requirements related to Quality Management are recognised, documented and developed and are fully integrated with all Company Operations.

The Quality Manager is responsible for the implementation of the Quality Management system and for the provision of adequate resources and suitably qualified personnel.

All Company Employees are aware of and committed to the company’s Quality Objectives based on our policy of continuous improvement to achieve Customer Satisfaction.


Tema Groups accreditations can be viewed below, and our key policies can be viewed HERE.